
JAYANTHI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (B.Ed.), situated at Arulpuram, Tiruppur District, Tamil Nadu, INDIA, with great pride we would like to state that we are running a B.Ed. College in the name and style of Jayanthi College of Education from 2007-08 onwards. It is affiliated to Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai. We have all the special subjects (i.e) Tamil, English, Maths, Physical Science, Biological Science, Computer Science, History and Commerce. Ours is a Co.Ed. College with a maximum strength of 100 students.

Our Goals

  • Offering personal, academic and vocational guidance to students.
  • Imparting basic educational skills to pursue higher education with a research outlook.
  • Serving the community by providing various programmes that vouchsafe academic excellence.
  • Introducing the use of interdisciplinary programmes to inculcate learning which value is oriented, enhancing social responsibilities.
  • All the activities of the college are geared towards the attainment of the four major educational objectives for 21st-century education (UNESCO):
    1. Learning to know,
    2. Learning to do,
    3. Learning to live together and
    4. Learning to be.